Friday, October 30, 2015

Pumpkin-Carving Party | Our Family of Four

Finding the Perfect Pumpkin
We didn't carve pumpkins last year so we were excited to tackle the tradition this year with Emily and Ava! Emily is old enough to begin to enjoy things like this.

I loved watching Matt and Em walk up and down the field looking for the perfect pumpkins! We decided to go to a small, family-owned farm near our house, and it was a short and sweet trip. The weather was beautiful and it was a popular place to be! At one point, (in the beginning) and after we were well into the fields, Emily decided she didn't want to walk any further. Wait, whaaat? So Matt and I took turns pulling the handy-dandy trailer while carrying Em! Then the other parent would push our double stroller through the mud, haha!

The Carving Part
We thought we'd save on some of the mess by doing our carving outside. We set up a table, rolled out the high chair, and had a little pumpkin party! Daddy got out his drill and dremmel tool, and I traced the faces with a marker and carved mine traditionally. Emily really loved scooping the seeds from the inside of the pumpkins. At first, she was trying to stay clean with just a spoon but then once she saw mommy and daddy using our hands, she embraced it.

This was the first year that I didn't over-analyze, search way too long for the perfect image to carve, and then stress about how to carve it perfectly. It was one of those realizations that if we can clean out, carve, and quickly clean up, the overall experience will most like be a little better. The girls did great (sweet Ava fell asleep, so it might have been a little boring for her.) Matt and I really enjoyed the perfect fall weather, the time as a family, and of course, our jack-o-lanterns!

It was a success and I look forward to doing it just like this for years to come! Happy Halloween, everyone! Enjoy this classic Colorado weather AND let's be thankful it didn't snow!!

PS. Check back for my next post about the fun recipes I tried with the leftover pumpkin seeds!

1 comment:

  1. Nice party! It's totally a new idea for cheesy parties. My sister in law arranged a baptism eve for her son at one of the well known San Francisco venues with scrumptious buffet meal. Crunchy snacks were liked by all guests. Rainbow cup cakes and beverages were of huge variety. Traditional ceremony was also done in the hall.
