Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Emily is ONE!

Our sweet "Embug" is one! It's hard to believe. And I think every parent must feel this way on this huge milestone. It just seems like time flies, and it does! Especially when we look at the photos of her birth...I am just sure it happened yesterday!

When I think about the year we've had with Emily, it has contained some of the most joyful moments in my life! It has also had some of the most growth-giving as well. Parenthood is such an amazing gift, and SHE is the greatest gift we could ever imagine.

I love being her mommy, and I can tell you that her personality is seriously so stinkin' sweet! She has been a fabulous baby, and one thing we truly, truly know about her is she is tough! She falls and we definitely think, "Ooh, she's gonna cry..." and she doesn't. She just gets up and goes about her way.

She is walking!! And sometimes running! She is so mobile, loves to climb, and is also a cuddle-bug. Our morning times with her are some of our most cherished. Cuddling in our bed as we all take time to wake up. She is so, so sweet and precious!

She is "talking" more and more! It's more like "dada" and "mama" and the most adorable gibberish. She can also say "please" and "more" in sign language! She gives kisses (usually opened-mouth), and we play a game where she will give me a kiss, and then it's daddy's turn. This will go on for quite awhile...going back and forth! Emily loves other kids! When she is around them, she hugs them and generally just likes being around them; getting their attention, sharing, and interacting.

She understands the word "no." When she has something she knows she isn't supposed to, and we say, "No, no, Emily..." and she will just give whatever she has to you. She loves to explore, and she is very smart. She figured out how to open a child-proofed gate at Barb's, and she took an outlet cover right out of the outlet. So, we definitely have an inquisitive problem-solver, haha!

Overall, we just love her to pieces. She is our sweetie-pie, and we are so thankful for her precious life. Our hearts have grown so much, and I've heard before that you love them so much it hurts. You guys, this is so true with your children. We just love and adore her!

We had a birthday party, and we had a great time! It was a beautiful fall, October day, and we celebrated with park-playing, cake-eating, gifts, and being around those we love. A special thanks to my mom and Ellie who made the cake and cupcakes, and all of the family and friends who came out to celebrate. We are so thankful for each of you!!

We've had a whirlwind of a couple of weeks! Matt and I celebrated our anniversary on the 15th, Em's birthday on the 20th, and we leave early tomorrow morning for Chicago for her aunt Katie's wedding on the 25th! It will Em's first flight, and Matt and I's first time traveling with a baby (in and out of the womb). I am 25 weeks along, and so we will take it slow and have a great, great time! It will be a very fun adventure! I can't wait to celebrate with Matt's family, and spend some good quality time with them!

Below are some photos of her party! 


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